Thursday, June 09, 2005

Lazy typing issues

Maybe I'm a bit of a lazy sod, but I am having trouble typing this up. I have typed Chapter 1 of the sequel and have written longhand up to 1,000 words of Ch 3. It's the way I do things, the typing up represents the first edit. What I write isn't exactly what gets typed. Some things get picked up or changed. I also then do a read through and then at the end a continuity read or seven...
But then I spend all day on the computer, typing e-mails and my typing skills go no further than my two index fingers, so it is hard work. Maybe the sun is shining and I'm dreaming of sitting in a sun chair sipping Sangria.
Actually, that is a funny one. When you are in the writing 'zone' you can disassociate yourself from your surroundings. The characters were working deep in a mine about 1,000 ft underground. It's hot, the air is stale. They are stripped down to the waist and one of them has to fan the time candle to keep it going in the stuffy atmosphere. Meanwhile, I'm sitting by the pool in 31 C. Some similarities there heat, stripped to waist, water. But Owain Lloyd never sipped Sangria in his life. It was a hard life in them days...
By the way, a quick tip from Slovenia - the bambus. chilled red wine with orangeade. Simple and yet so effective. Others try Cola. But none of this helps me type. AAAAARRRRGHHHHH!


At Tuesday, June 14, 2005 8:46:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So when's the synopsis coming up?


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