Saturday, June 04, 2005

Here we are again

Just returned from a week's sojourn in tenerife. The weather was remarkably similar to Cardiganshire. 30 centigrade, constant sunshine... sorry, wrong script.
Anyway, managed to gpolish off first two chapters of book 2 and am beavering away on Ch.3
Feel quite recharged now and the ccol cloudy weather back here is almost a tonic! it's a strange world.


At Sunday, June 05, 2005 11:25:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ges,
I dig the blog! Shall be on my list of bookmarks from now on.... Inspired by this I shall start my own, but I'll probably wait until I can get back to college; oh, it will be pseudonymous as well so I can abuse both the famous and obscure to my heart's content!
Keep up the good work!


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